The future Mrs. Smith :)

Welcome to My Blog!

A very inspirational pick-me-up for the day, and days to come...:)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future!"
~Jeremiah 29:11

This verse is what has gotten me out of ruts, broke down doors, and made answers to life decisions appear out of the blue. It is my positive piece of scripture that God has shared with me many millions of times, and thankfully many more times to come! :)

New Beginnings :)

New Beginnings :)
now its an official promise with the love of my life!!! :)

"I think our love can do anything we want it to.."

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I love love!!!!

"I adore you more than my own life..."
These words came out of my mouth about 15 minutes before my darlin left to head back down to tifton. :( WOW!!! I am soo blessed to be able to say those words and really, truely, 110% mean every bit of its in depth meaning. I miss him sooo much, and it just tore me up to watch his truck lights become more and more distant as he pulled out the driveway.

He is my best friend, and the one person in my life that I know wants to stay by my side through anything and everything without a moments notice. I know my parents, and close friends and family would too, but there is just something about having a love whose also your bestfriend that allows anything that life brings our way to seem as not a wall, but merely a bridge to help transport you over or through something onto something else. Levi is my bridge, and as we prayed together tonight before he left, it is only because of Jesus that we even know how to love. WOW!!! something else that seems so simple to say, but could keep one with their jaw dropped when they actually take in its meaning. God showed us love through Jesus's coming, and by giving us all life! Thinking about my feelings to levi reassure for me how blessed we are to ALL have God as that best friend, the person who is ALWAYS by our side walking and being with us constantly. God is also our bridge, and it is amazing what blessings He brings in lives to those who want to adore Him more than their own life. It's amazing how God sends us people to love in our lives that allows us to gain a smidget of a clue to His love for us. WOW!!!! Bad days are over people!!! that is amazing!

I start classes on wednesday, and then im heading to tifton on friday!!! i cant wait!!! The days without being with my darlin just make me realize how lost i feel without him. I am sooo thankful for the love that we have for one another, and for the faith that comes with that.

Even though im sitting on the couch thinking about him and wishing he was sitting here next to me, I realize how blessed we are to even be able to love eachother in the way that we do. That in itself is a miraculous gift. :)
Come on' friday!!! :)


Jenny said...

Hey darlin, I hope your first week back in class went well. I'm sorry your being apart from Levi is so hard for both of you. It certainly makes you appreciate the times you are together. You are a wonderful person and Keith and I feel blessed that you will be our daughter. Love and hugs!

Deborah said...

Hey Sweetie!
Hope that school is going well for you and Levi and Lacie Bug. I'm sorry that you miss Levi so very much. I haven't been apart from my husband or children for very long, and can't even imagine how much I would miss them. I am so happy that Levi has someone who loves him so much. I pray that my sons will have who adore them like you adore Levi.
I love you,

Deborah said...

I pray that my sons will have *someone* who adores them like you adore Levi.

Deborah said...

Just stopped by for a "visit." Post again soon, OK?

I love you!